Do you want more happiness in your life ? Are you tired of compromising your happiness for that of others? Have you ever stopped to think about why you behave in certain ways? Do you ever wonder why celebrities and people in the lime light seem to crave all that attention? Well, one theory is that we behave in order to gain approval from others. This may seem far fetched but think about it for a minute. Everything we do in life can boil down to 2 fundamental needs: the need to be loved and the need to be helped. As such, our actions tend to be determined by our ability to please others. This stems from the fact that our mind operates in a primitive survival mode looking to protect us at all costs. This survival mentality was originally formed during our early childhood where, as dependent helpless babies, we learned that it was necessary to please our parents (or caregivers) in order to get what we wanted whether it be food or milk, and so forth. If we didn't gain this approval,...